Lubin Meng




2019-2022 M. Eng. School of Artificial Intelligence & Automation, HUST

2015-2019 B. Eng. School of Artificial Intelligence & Automation, HUST

Research Interests

Brain-Computer Interfaces, Adversarial attack


  1. Z. Liu, X. Zhang, L. Meng and D. Wu, “Universal Adversarial Perturbations for CNN Classifiers in EEG-Based BCIs,” IEEE Trans. on Human-Machine Systems, 2020, submitted.
  2. G. Hu, Y. Xiao, Z. Cao, L. Meng, Z. Fang, J. T. Zhou and J. Yuan, “Towards Real-Time Eyeblink Detection in the Wild: Dataset, Theory and Practices,” in IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 15, pp. 2194-2208, 2020.
  3. L. Meng, C.-T. Lin, T. Jung, and D. Wu, “ White-box target attack for EEG-based BCI regression problems,” in Proc. Int’l Conf. on Neural Information Processing, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2019, pp. 476– 488.


  1. D. Wu, L. Meng,  White-box target attack for EEG-based BCI regression problems, 201910896360.7, 2020-08-04